The doctoral research collections, carried out in collaboration with the Doctoral School of UNAGE Iasi, propose a selection of titles that aim to fill the gaps in historiographic knowledge as well as in artistic research in the fields of theater, music, and visual arts, to contribute to the establishment of an artistic vocabulary in the Romanian language and to introduce advanced research from UNAGE in the exchanges of ideas that take place in Romania and at the international level.

Emanuela Izabela VIERIU Muzica de film: Coduri, convenții și interferențe stilistice

Emanuela Izabela VIERIU
Film music: Codes, conventions and stylistic interference

PhD Thesis

ARTES Publishing House, UNAGE Iași

Sarah MUSCALU Condiția post-medială. O cercetare asupra potențialului post-medial al picturii și fotografiei în practici artistice hibride

The post-medial condition. An inquiry into the post-medial potential of painting and photography in hybrid artistic practices

PhD Thesis

ARTES Publishing House, UNAGE Iași

Sandra Elizabeth MAVHIMA Limbajul coregrafic în filmul experimental

Sandra Elizabeth MAVHIMA
Choreographic language in experimental film

PhD Thesis

ARTES Publishing House, UNAGE Iași

Alina DINCĂ PUȘCAȘU Scenografi ai teatrului ieșean în secolul XX

Scenographers of the Iași theater in the 20th century

PhD Thesis

ARTES Publishing House, UNAGE Iași