![OPUS I-V - Spectacol de dans contemporan](https://icma.arteiasi.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/afis_opus-724x1024.jpg)
OPUS I-V – Contemporary dance performance
* 04 November 2022, 18:00, “Fain” Theater in partnership with the “George Apostu” Culture Center, Bacau;
* November 15, 2022, 5:30 p.m., Honor Hall, Culture Palace, Iasi;
* November 18, 2022, 7:00 p.m., “Ion Manu” Cultural Center, Otopeni.
The Multidisciplinary Research Institute in Art (ICMA) within the “George Enescu” National University of Arts (UNAGE) in Iași is running the artistic research project OPUS I – IV between October and November 2022, coordinated by PhD Sandra Elizabeth Mavhima.
The project includes book release Choreographic language in experimental film, a research work in the field of Cinematography and Media on the choreographic practices that developed during the 20-21 centuries in Europe and the United States of America, accompanied by the presentation of the contemporary dance performance OPUS I-IV.
The show is a choreographic transposition of the abstract animation shorts OPUS I-IV, conceived by the painter and filmmaker Walter Ruttmann between 1921 and 1925. Through gesture, sound, movement and human interaction, the action of the abstract forms in the film comes to life through four choreographic portraits that reproduce four moments in a man’s life.
Choreographer: Sandra Elizabeth Mavhima
Music: Bogdan Marinescu
Light design: Andrei Emilian
Costumes: Anastasia Bannaia and Alexandru Floarea (Papucei.ro).
Performers: Juan Cruz Luque, Bianca Secrieru, Alina Postolache, Ilinca Agafiței, Anna Van Hareen, /students of the Choreography program, Faculty of Theater (UNAGE).
The OPUS I-IV project was accomplished with the support of the Multidisciplinary Research Institute in Art from UNAGE Iași within the grants financed from the research funds of UNAGE for the year 2022.
Institutional partners: Moldova Iași National Museum Complex, “George Apostu” Bacău Cultural Center, “Ion Manu” Cultural Center Otopeni.
Media partners: “Timpul Magazine”, modernism.ro, BZI.ro, “Ballet” Magazine