Conference • October 26, 2024
Transformative Narrative Practices: Identity Exploration in Psychology and Performing Arts
The Institute for Multidisciplinary Research in Art and the Faculty of Theatre within the “George Enescu” National University of Arts from Iași organized, on October 26, 2024, the international conference Transformative Narrative Practices: Identity Exploration in Psychology and Performing Arts.
In this event, themes related to the meeting between the field of narrative psychology and current trends in the pedagogy of theater were proposed, out of the desire to create connections between different areas of research. Another aim was to promote new results in the research of narrative, storytelling, niche forms in the artistic process, as well as alternative methods of approach in the performing arts.
Topics of the conference were:
- Narrative directing techniques and their application in a community context
- Narrative psychotherapy and self-discovery
- Current valences of psychodrama
- Applied storytelling
Invited keynote speakers for the conference were:

Mimesis Heidi Dahlvseen
Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
with the presentation
Poetic Presence of the I – The Vanishing Point
Mimesis Heidi Dahlvseen has worked as a storyteller since 1996 both national and abroad. Her artistic projects are often developed through working interdisciplinary with other artists, where she combines traditional and autobiographical narratives with theory. She is part-time associate professor in oral storytelling at OsloMet – Metropolitan University in Oslo, Norway. Her research focus is on how the traditional narratives shed light on contemporary themes, and the poetic aspects of artistic processes. She has written several academic articles on oral storytelling, where she uses artistic research as an input to understand oral storytelling and narratives.

Arjen Barel
Storytelling Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands
with the presentation
Till Death… How Creating Narratives Can Support Coping with Loss and Grief
Arjen Barel is a producer and director, mainly in the field of storytelling performances, and spends a large part of his professional life listening to stories and training people in the art of storytelling. Until 2017 he was responsible for the program of the International Storytelling Festival Amsterdam, which he founded in 2008, and he regularly coaches storytellers, both amateur and professionals. Arjen teaches Storytelling and Polarisation at the University of Amsterdam. He also delivers training for professionals in how to use storytelling in youth work and community work in several places in the world. Last years he trained people from Hungary, France, Morocco, Palestine, Israel, Germany, Spain, Croatia, Albania, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Greece and the UK. Arjen Barel studied Drama Studies and Cultural Studies at the University of Amsterdam. In addition to his work within Bureau Barel he teaches at various courses and put together the book Theatre & Marketing, Tension & Thrill (2004) in collaboration with Esther Lagendijk. In 2020 he published a new book about Applied Storytelling, called Storytelling en de Wereld (The World is Storytelling, how sharing stories can contribute to personal growth and social impact). The book is translated to English and Turkish. His next book, Sterker staan met je eigen verhaal (Standing Stronger with Your Own Story) was published in June 2021. Currently he is working on a series of publications on how to apply storytelling as a method in various fields.

Peter Frühmann
StoryBag, Hilversum, Netherlans
with the presentation
Memories: Positions and Questions
Peter Frühmann is a consultant, researcher and trainer at Storybag (applied storytelling), lecturer Story Development at the SAE Media Institute Amsterdam, guest lecturer at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (Rotterdam School of Management) and the University of Utrecht, and a research & development partner in Erasmus+ (educational) projects. After his BA in Fine Arts he has worked as a designer/art director and later also as a copywriter and communication strategist (creative director) in international communication agencies. His interest in what makes people tick led to a BSc in Psychology and the establishment of Storybag, his own consultancy. He believes that the age-old heritage of storytelling and the narrative approaches inspired by this vast domain are indispensable and are widely applicable in many fields in society today. Within Storybag he and his network of story practitioners try to develop narrative approaches as effective and inspiring (change & development) tools in organizations and educational projects (also within the Erasmus+ program).

Ovidiu Gavrilovici
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași
with the presentation
Narrative and Identity – Intersections in Supporting Personal-Professional Development
Ovidiu Gavrilovici is a PhD. Habil. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, the Psychology Department, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” of Iași and founder president of Psiterra Association. His teaching activity includes psychological counselling and narrative therapy courses. For over a decade he has been promoting the narrative approach in psychology, therapy, education, healthcare, professionalization, and leadership techniques in Romania. Ovidiu is a licenced private practice psychologist, trainer and supervisor, certified by the College of Romanian Psychologists.
The Institute for Multidisciplinary Research in Art and the Faculty of Theatre within the “George Enescu” National University of Arts from Iași organized, on October 26, 2024, the international conference Transformative Narrative Practices: Identity Exploration in Psychology and Performing Arts.

In this event, themes related to the meeting between the field of narrative psychology and current trends in the pedagogy of theater were proposed, out of the desire to create connections between different areas of research. Another aim was to promote new results in the research of narrative, storytelling, niche forms in the artistic process, as well as alternative methods of approach in the performing arts.
Topics of the conference were:
- Narrative directing techniques and their application in a community context
- Narrative psychotherapy and self-discovery
- Current valences of psychodrama
- Applied storytelling
Invited keynote speakers for the conference were:

Mimesis Heidi Dahlvseen
Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
with the presentation
Poetic Presence of the I – The Vanishing Point
Mimesis Heidi Dahlvseen has worked as a storyteller since 1996 both national and abroad. Her artistic projects are often developed through working interdisciplinary with other artists, where she combines traditional and autobiographical narratives with theory. She is part-time associate professor in oral storytelling at OsloMet – Metropolitan University in Oslo, Norway. Her research focus is on how the traditional narratives shed light on contemporary themes, and the poetic aspects of artistic processes. She has written several academic articles on oral storytelling, where she uses artistic research as an input to understand oral storytelling and narratives.

Arjen Barel
Storytelling Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands
with the presentation
Till Death… How Creating Narratives Can Support Coping with Loss and Grief
Arjen Barel is a producer and director, mainly in the field of storytelling performances, and spends a large part of his professional life listening to stories and training people in the art of storytelling. Until 2017 he was responsible for the program of the International Storytelling Festival Amsterdam, which he founded in 2008, and he regularly coaches storytellers, both amateur and professionals. Arjen teaches Storytelling and Polarisation at the University of Amsterdam. He also delivers training for professionals in how to use storytelling in youth work and community work in several places in the world. Last years he trained people from Hungary, France, Morocco, Palestine, Israel, Germany, Spain, Croatia, Albania, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Greece and the UK. Arjen Barel studied Drama Studies and Cultural Studies at the University of Amsterdam. In addition to his work within Bureau Barel he teaches at various courses and put together the book Theatre & Marketing, Tension & Thrill (2004) in collaboration with Esther Lagendijk. In 2020 he published a new book about Applied Storytelling, called Storytelling en de Wereld (The World is Storytelling, how sharing stories can contribute to personal growth and social impact). The book is translated to English and Turkish. His next book, Sterker staan met je eigen verhaal (Standing Stronger with Your Own Story) was published in June 2021. Currently he is working on a series of publications on how to apply storytelling as a method in various fields.

Peter Frühmann
StoryBag, Hilversum, Netherlans
with the presentation
Memories: Positions and Questions
Peter Frühmann is a consultant, researcher and trainer at Storybag (applied storytelling), lecturer Story Development at the SAE Media Institute Amsterdam, guest lecturer at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (Rotterdam School of Management) and the University of Utrecht, and a research & development partner in Erasmus+ (educational) projects. After his BA in Fine Arts he has worked as a designer/art director and later also as a copywriter and communication strategist (creative director) in international communication agencies. His interest in what makes people tick led to a BSc in Psychology and the establishment of Storybag, his own consultancy. He believes that the age-old heritage of storytelling and the narrative approaches inspired by this vast domain are indispensable and are widely applicable in many fields in society today. Within Storybag he and his network of story practitioners try to develop narrative approaches as effective and inspiring (change & development) tools in organizations and educational projects (also within the Erasmus+ program).

Ovidiu Gavrilovici
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași
with the presentation
Narrative and Identity – Intersections in Supporting Personal-Professional Development
Ovidiu Gavrilovici is a PhD. Habil. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, the Psychology Department, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” of Iași and founder president of Psiterra Association. His teaching activity includes psychological counselling and narrative therapy courses. For over a decade he has been promoting the narrative approach in psychology, therapy, education, healthcare, professionalization, and leadership techniques in Romania. Ovidiu is a licenced private practice psychologist, trainer and supervisor, certified by the College of Romanian Psychologists.
Conference within the research project ArtReal: Interdisciplinary Connections between Performative Arts and Narrative Psychology, funded by the ICMA – UNAGE 2024 internal research grants.
Organizing committee: PhD. Assoc. Prof. Ioana Petcu-Pădurean (UNAGE Iași), PhD. Assoc. Prof. Ovidiu Gavrilovici (UAIC Iași), PhD. Assoc. Prof. Dorina Comănescu (UNAGE Iași), PhD. student Cezara Fantu (UNAGE Iași) and PhD. student Ileana Ocneanu (UNAGE Iași).

Conference within the research project ArtReal: Interdisciplinary Connections between Performative Arts and Narrative Psychology, funded by the ICMA – UNAGE 2024 internal research grants.
Organizing committee: PhD. Assoc. Prof. Ioana Petcu-Pădurean (UNAGE Iași), PhD. Assoc. Prof. Ovidiu Gavrilovici (UAIC Iași), PhD. Assoc. Prof. Dorina Comănescu (UNAGE Iași), PhD. student Cezara Fantu (UNAGE Iași) and PhD. student Ileana Ocneanu (UNAGE Iași).