Institutul de Cercetare Multidisciplinară în Artă (ICMA) împreună cu Facultatea de Teatru (FT) din cadrul Universității Naționale de Arte „George Enescu” din Iași (UNAGE) anunță atelierul de teatru devised Suntem Praf de Stele susținut de Scott Johnston în perioada 14-28 octombrie la Sala Studio a Facultății de Teatru.

Scott Johnston is a theatre director, workshop creator and facilitator. He has worked in Romania, Hungary, Finland, Ireland, South Africa, Lithuania, Macedonia, Wales, and the USA.  His work has won many awards and much public and critical acclaim. Over his 64 years he has directed over 150 plays and created workshops for actors and theatre academies.  He is a specialist in the work of Augusto Boal and the Theatre of the Oppressed and was the one the first practitioners to introduce this work in Scotland, Romania and South Africa.

Workshop coordinated by Prof. PhD Laura Bilic and Prof. PhD Octavian Jighirgiu, within the project InterArt. European values and standards in artistic education and research from UNAGE Iași, financed by CNFIS through the Institutional Development Fund CNFIS-FDI-2024-F-0367.